Hello, I’m Steven.
I’m a freelance graphic designer, photographer, illustrator and CGI artist.
(This site is mostly about my photography, but sometimes I deviate. My design website is here)
Photography Blog
2017 Big Garden Bird Watch
Fill those feeders! It's not long until the RSPB's [...]
National Geographic – Editors Choice
I started uploading a few images [...]
Pirates stole my shed!
Although I’m not sure they’ll have much [...]
Norwich Cathedral Photography
Although my recent trip to Norfolk was primarily to [...]
Winterton Beach seal photography – Norfolk
Winterton Beach, Norfolk, is a great place to see [...]
The Guardian’s Country Diary
A couple of my images have been used on The [...]
Video compilation
This is a compilation of video and stills from [...]
Local photography – Derby
I'm always thinking about what far off destination I'd [...]
Bird feeder
I love to watch garden birds, it takes the [...]