Hello, I’m Steven.
I’m a freelance graphic designer, photographer, illustrator and CGI artist.
(This site is mostly about my photography, but sometimes I deviate. My design website is here)
Photography Blog
Out now – Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust 2017 calendar
I picked up my copy [...]
Surprise, I’m back!
Well, kind of. I still have loads of content [...]
Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust 2017 calendar
I recently found out my early morning [...]
Cold porridge & cloud textures
Breakfast on the patio is a great way to [...]
Bird Photographer of the Year 2016
This year's inaugural Bird Photographer of the Year competition [...]
The solitary nature of landscape photography leaves your mind [...]
The White Stuff
The Proclaimers sang 'I would walk 500 miles', not [...]